General Activities to share with lower functioning Alzheimer's Patients
Past Interests & Adaptions:
Sort different size nuts in shell
Sort silverware
Dry flatware
Sort onions and potatoes
Match cups to saucers
Fold drying towels
Wipe counter and tables
Sort laundry.
Give them a basket of socks and towels and have them sort them
Match socks -- limit choices
Arrange silk flowers in a vase
Physical Activity
Unison stretching exercises
Movement to music [dancing]
Play old tunes
Play classical music
Play seasonal or holiday music
Play church hymns
Sort quarters and poker chips
Sort pens and pencils
Sort large pieces of paper and cancelled checks
Sort envelopes and magazines
Larges paper and easy to grip washable felt pens and crayons
Large paper and chalk
Adult coloring books
Sponge watercolors on paper
Soft clay for molding [non-toxic]
Stephanie Frankile ACSW
@ copyright 1996
Alzheimer's Outreach: http://alzheimer'
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