If Person is Missing: This
is What You Should Do
(For the Caregiver)
Search the immediate vicinity.
a. Have you
checked the basement? (including behind and in all large boxes?)
b. Have you checked the attic? (including behind and in all large boxes?)
c. Have you checked the closets?
d. Have you checked the garage? (including behind and in all large boxes?)
e. Have you checked the floors of the car?
f. Have you checked with neighbors?
g. If they've seen him/her what direction were they headed, and how long
If you still haven't located them:
Call the Police.
Notify neighbors, family, friends and community groups (such as your church or clubs you may belong to) who can assist with search.
Have someone stay by the phone and keep the line open as much as possible. If many outgoing calls need to be made, use a neighbor's phone.
Try to think of all the possible places the missing person could go or be trying to get to, and have them searched.
Write down what he/she was wearing when last seen.
Is it anything
that will help spot them easier?
Baseball cap?
Bright clothing?
Do you have recent
photographs that people can show while going door to door?
Places and questions to consider are:
Where do they normally go?
Have you checked the area around their old workplace?
Have you checked the area around their childhood home?
Are there addresses from other homes which match local addresses?
Have you searched all the specific locations he/she likes?
Have you checked the parks?
The school grounds?